Our Solutions

Big Data

The amount of data handled by any business is enormous & this can grow tremendously in the near future. Businesses have to deal with data from various sources like Social media, digital media, conventional media, logistics & supply chain, location data and so on. Handling such massive volume of data and making sense of it is very important for success of any business.

Thus, the idea of Big Data, evolved.Prediction of future of your business can be made by sorting and analyzing Big Data. Since, 80% of this data is unstructured, it must be structured & formatted to make it suitable for data mining and analysis.

Indostorage provides big data consulting services including consulting, implementation, support to help clients benefit from big data environment. Big data services help companies maximize value and achieve business goals with big data analysis.

Locate Us

PT.  Indostorage Solusi Teknologi

The CEO Building Level 12, Jl. TB Simatupang No 18C, Jakarta Selatan - 12430

Rukan Indostorage, Jl. Pramuka Raya RT. 007 RW. 004, Kel. Mampang, Kec. Pancoran Mas, Depok - 16433

09:00 - 18:00

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